Friday 11 May 2012

Galactic stuffs in Carito

Hi, its Commander Pringles here again. Today i'll be talking about an astronomic phenomenon and its relations to Carito. 


So, what is a supernova? A supernova is a stellar explosion that happens at the end of a star's life. Supernovae are extremely luminous and cause a burst of radiation that often briefly outshines a galaxy, before fading from view over several weeks or months. During this short interval a supernova can radiate as much energy as the Sun is expected to emit over its entire life span.The explosion expels most of, or all of a star's material at a velocity of up to30,000 km/s (10% of the speed of light), driving a shock wave into the surrounding.

Anyways, i shall now relate this supernova phenomenon to Carito's nichijou. We can describe it as a death of a wallet. With the release of a new series, we see many wallets die. They will be extremely luminous and cause a burst of cash that outshines other wallets in Carito, before fading from view for several weeks or months. During this short, blissful period, the wallet can regurgitate out  as much money as its total spendings on cards over his entire life. This wonderful explosion expels most of, or all of the wallet's resources, near the speed of light, driving all of those into Uncle's cash register.

Well, that's it, I hope you guys learnt something from this post, be it card-related or not. There has been many supernova-like occurance in Carito, and many more to go, with release of series like Kore wa Zombie Desu ka?, and Nisemonogatari. In fact, there'll be one later, with the release of Zero no Tsukaima Extra Pack. So fellow friends, why not grab a bottle of drink, and some popcorn, and watch this wonderful astronomic phenomenon happen in our own Carito Trading? =D

~Commander Pringles~

On a side note, good luck to all those whacking the Extra Pack later. SO YOU PEOPLE BETTER WISH US LUCK WHEN ANO NATSU DE MATTERU ARRIVES.