Monday 3 September 2012

[Victory Spark] Card of the Day 3/09/2012

Once again, naming conventions : I didn't watch this anime, so if there's any mistakes in their names, please let me know, and forgive me ^^;;

Gender / Character Name / Title : [Female] "Shining Wings" Lan & Orca [Vox of the Waters - Linfa]
Partner Gender / Character Name / Title : [Female] Together with Everyone Lan [Jersey Club]

Series : Rinne no Lagrange
Card Number : RAG/036
[Fire Card] (Max. 4 Fire Cards per Deck)

Level : 2
Attack : 2000
Defense : 4000

Ability #1
Traits : [Samsara] [Royalty]
Ability Name : At all times, we both have to trust each other in our hearts
Ability Effect : [Automatic Effect] (Spark Effect) If you have 2 or more Cards in your Bench, you may choose to put this Card in to your Bench.

Ability #2
Traits : [Samsara] [Royalty]
Ability Name : Yullum & Trantem
Ability Effect : [Automatic Effect] When this Card is placed in to your Bench from your Ring, select 2 Cards which has <Royalty> trait from your Bench and return them in to your Hand. If you returned 2 or more pieces this way, select your Ring Card which has <Royalty> trait, and it's next attack is considered a Partner Attack.

Gender / Character Name / Title : [Female] Together with Everyone Lan [Jersey Club]
Partner Gender / Character Name / Title : [Female] "Shining Wings" Lan & Orca [Vox of the Waters - Linfa]

Series : Rinne no Lagrange
Card Number : RAG/037

Level : 3
Attack : 3000
Defense : 6000

Ability #1
Traits : [Samsara] [Royalty]
Ability Name : ...Wait a minute, Madoka
Ability Effect : [Automatic Effect] (Ring Effect) After this Card finishes a Partner Attack, select 1 Card in your Bench which has <Royalty> trait, and return it in to your Hand. (Includes the Card which you used for the Partner Attack)

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