OK THAN BITCHES~ for fans of the previous DEVIL MAY CRY series, you know damn well that this is also gonna be tons of fun and also worth every penny to spend on. And as for you people who dunno what this game is about, you seriously missed out on alot but no matter here is a trailer from E3 of the latest DEVIL MAY CRY by CAPCOM and Ninja theory (actually i dun really know what the fuck ninja theory is)... Enjoy~
Right so after watching this, i was like, holy shit he's so BADASS!!! no more white haired old demon man Dante and Shiny hand Nero anymore. the story set is rumored to be a different Dante and a different story which is not a sequel to the previous DEVIL MAY CRY 4. But all you people reading this must agree : Badass main characther, huge swords, guns with no reload and the thrill of hacking and slashing every mother fucking demon or enemy which stands in your way between you and your objectives, HOW IS THIS NOT ANY FUN! For those who played the older versions of the game, y'all know damn well what i mean. for people who did not, you should try and get your hands on the older versions and try it out. Honestly speaking it is really a good game and i highly recommend it (not sure if i spelled correctly). so this game is still in the making but it released many trailers subsequent to this one which shows more badass devil hacking action. So fans and people anticipating this game, look out for more updates relating to this game, which would be released in 2013( i heard its in 2013). Well hell i would post up those info should i find some. so the game is still in the works so we can only wait. ok thats about all from me. this being my first post on game shit i dunno if it's good but.... fuck it. this is SnipeUrLJ and here is some old school pic from DEVIL MAY CRY 4.

Though i will not end this.. not just yet. found a trailer depicting gameplay of the new DMC... here it is... ok i will end now
Dante dual guns damn awesome yo.